A Travellerspoint blog


Heading to Havana March 15-22

31 °C

For the Spring Break we decided to travel to Cuba. Lucky, I have great friends from Cuba that Live in Los Angeles So I got from them all the necessary information in order to be prepared to this Trip. For start up, there are 2 currencies in Cuba. One for the Tourists and one for the Locals.
1cuc=$1 for the tourist.
So we need to exchange some money in Mexico since we took flight from LA to Mexico and then Havana.
In Mexico city we have to buy VISA CARDS that cost $25 each person. Then you have to fill reasons why you are entering Cuba.
There is one that appeal to most of the Tourists which are labeled People to People.IMG_0918.jpgIMG_0921.jpgIMG_0923.jpgIMG_0922.jpgIMG_0930.jpg
The Cuban Clerk at the airport was very nice talking to us and ask us if we like that our passport get stamped.
So the taxi cost $30 from Airport to our air B and B.
We arrived at our guest house around Midnight.
Classic Cars, Beautiful Buildings and Happy People, these were the first impressions we got from strolling around Havana.
The only down thing is info-structure is still way minimal. Many constructions and remodeling are taking place in Havana.
The next day we took a classic car and went to Vinales. It is beautiful nature, they have the best cigars, honey, coffee crops.

Posted by NAGATTRAVEL 13:27 Archived in Cuba

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